Projects undertaken by Ullswater CIC

Ullswater Catchment Management CIC works with the farming community on a wide variety of projects.

By working with multiple partner organisations we now have a proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget. Some of the work that we undertake are Tree and Hedgerow planting, River restoration and re-meandering work, natural flood management, wildlife pond creation, soil health. We also give individual farm advice on suitable projects, which will work with the farms business model. 

Natural Flood Management

Glenridding beck flood relief channel.

Explore Natural Flood Management

Glenridding beck flood relief channel.

Natural Flood Management (NFM) emphasises the use of natural systems, such as wetlands, rivers, and forests to slow the flow of water, store excess water, and reduce runoff.

Hedging and Wood Pasture

A newly planted hedgerow at Gowbarrow, Ullswater

Explore Hedging and Wood Pasture

A newly planted hedgerow at Gowbarrow, Ullswater

Hedging and wood pasture creation provides wildlife habitats and helps to reduce soil erosion. The creation of hedgerows and wood pasture falls within the ELM scheme.

Wildlife Habitat Creation

New Wildlife Pond at Dockray, Matterdale, Cumbria

Explore Habitat Creation

New Wildlife Pond at Dockray, Matterdale, Cumbria

Wildlife habitat creation helps increase biodiversity and can help to mitigate climate change by storing carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

ELM Schemes

Tree cages installed on pasture land, Bennethead 2022. These were planted with a mixture of tree and scrub species which will provide pockets of habitats within the grassland.

Explore ELMs

Tree cages installed on pasture land, Bennethead 2022. These were planted with a mixture of tree and scrub species which will provide pockets of habitats within the grassland.

Environmental Land Management schemes are being introduced to protect and enhance nature, and deliver sustainable food production. ELMs can provide some income longer term to help replace BPS, and many of the projects we do will count towards the new schemes.

Soil Management

Some of the free range Gloucester Old Spot pigs that we have kept on our land to help regenerate the soil and reduce the amount of rushes. We let them into the wood and they have a great time foraging without damaging the trees (and the meat tastes great!).

Explore Soil Management

Some of the free range Gloucester Old Spot pigs that we have kept on our land to help regenerate the soil and reduce the amount of rushes. We let them into the wood and they have a great time foraging without damaging the trees (and the meat tastes great!).

Good soil health and management can have many benefits for farm productivity as well as for wildlife and biodiversity. Improving soil structure can improve drainage reducing compaction and flooding, reduce nutrient loss from runoff, and increase grass growth through deeper rooted plants and improved mineral and nutrient uptake. 

River Restoration

Riparian fencing and planting, Mell Fell beck, 2023. This section of the beck was fenced off to exclude animals, and planted with a tree and scrub mixture.

Explore River Restoration

Riparian fencing and planting, Mell Fell beck, 2023. This section of the beck was fenced off to exclude animals, and planted with a tree and scrub mixture.

River restoration is a process of improving the health and functionality of rivers and streams that have been impacted by human activities. It involves a range of activities such as removing barriers to fish migration, restoring riparian habitats, improving water quality, and managing river flows.

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