Environmental Land Management
Environmental Land Management (ELMs) Projects
Currently farmers and landowners are subsidised from the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). The BPS is is being reduced and will stop being paid in 2027. Environmental Land Management schemes are being introduced to protect and enhance nature, and deliver sustainable food production. ELMs can provide some income longer term to help replace BPS. Many of the projects we do will count towards the new schemes.
For the new Sustainable Farming Initiative (SFI) 3 standards are currently available: Improved Grassland, Moorland, and Arable and Horticultural Soils. As the scheme is rolled out more standards will be available including Hedgerows, Low and no input grassland, Agroforestry and Nutrient Management.
The Countryside Stewardship (CS) scheme will remain as the middle tier of ELMs and is being enhanced with options for additional payments for joining up of schemes in a local area with local priorities, to encourage a landscape approach to nature recovery.
Ullswater Catchment Management CIC can help farmers and landowners plan ahead for the changes in payments, and provide project options that will be compatible with both new and existing schemes, including hedgerow, wood pasture and wetland creation. We can also provide advice and support for soil management and regenerative grazing.
You can read more about what Defra have to say on ELMs here